This year special call 35 years Ham radio operator
On the air since 1990. former callsigns are PE1NQA and PB0ALG
My name is Robert and clubmember of VERON Walcheren and VRZA-ZWN
Favorite mode is CW (morsecode) on the shortwave amateur frequency's
But also active on phone and digital modes. DMR,C4FM,D-STAR and FT8 +FT4
and many more.
I am also on VHF/UHF bands, on our local frequency 145,225 Mhz in fm.
Repeaters PI3GOE Goes or PI3BOZ Bergen op Zoom 2M. 145,775 or 145,625 Mhz
PI1ZLD in Zierikzee on 70cm. 438,400 Mhz analog.
PI1ZWN Bergen op Zoom in Digital C4FM 438,500 Mhz
D-star repeater Bergen op Zoom on PI1BOZ 438,125 Mhz
With the website LWCO you can learn and practice morsecode.
Go to this website and enjoy this mode!!